Classical Vs. Contemporary Pilates: Understanding the Contrasting Approaches




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Pilates, a body conditioning method designed to strengthen and lengthen muscles, improve posture, provide flexibility, and balance the body, has stood the test since its inception in the early 20th century.

Two main branches have emerged in the panorama of fitness and well-being, stirring a continuous dialogue among practitioners – Classical and Contemporary Pilates. Rooted in the same principles, these two approaches share common ground but take different pathways to achieve the overarching goal of body-mind unison. 

This article explores the contrasts and commonalities between Classical and Contemporary Pilates to help you understand each approach’s unique philosophy, benefits, and techniques and assist you in making an informed decision about which style best aligns with your fitness goals and lifestyle.

Defining Classical Pilates: Adherence to Tradition

Classical Pilates, also called Traditional or Authentic Pilates, represents the original method developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. This form of Pilates is characterized by a distinct adherence to the sequence, form, and principles established by Joseph himself. It is predicated on a systematic and ordered progression of exercises performed on specific apparatus designed by Pilates, such as the Reformer, Cadillac, and Wunda Chair, as well as on the mat.

Classical Pilates aims to improve overall strength, flexibility, coordination, and body awareness by focusing on the movements’ quality rather than quantity. Instructors who teach this method follow the original repertoire closely, emphasizing the importance of the prescribed sequence to stimulate the body in a particular manner.

The principle of “control” is one of the most vital aspects of Classical Pilates. This principle refers to maintaining complete command over every aspect of every movement, preventing unnecessary strain or injury. It’s not just about doing the movements but doing them with precision and control, which contributes to the workout’s efficiency.

Classical Pilates also underscores the unity of the mind, body, and spirit. This method pushes practitioners to reach a state of flow, focusing on breath control and the conscious engagement of muscles, which can help develop a strong connection between the body and the mind.

The Evolution of Pilates: Introducing the Contemporary Approach

Contemporary Pilates emerged as a natural evolution of the traditional method, embracing the foundational principles while integrating the current understanding of biomechanics, anatomy, and fitness training. The contemporary approach was born out of the desire to adapt and modify the original Pilates exercises to cater to a more diverse range of bodies and needs, thereby broadening the accessibility of the practice.

Unlike the fixed sequence and strict form of Classical Pilates, Contemporary Pilates allows for flexibility in the sequence of exercises. It often incorporates new movements that are not part of the traditional repertoire. This variation caters to the individual needs of the client, their fitness level, any injuries they may have, and their personal goals.

While Classical Pilates primarily uses the original apparatus designed by Joseph Pilates, Contemporary Pilates often introduces new equipment or uses props like fitness balls, foam rollers, and resistance bands. These modifications allow for greater exercise diversity and cater to various physical capabilities and goals.

Contemporary Pilates instructors tend to focus more on the scientific understanding of movement and body mechanics, drawing from fields like physical therapy and sports medicine. This approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injury, athletes looking to enhance their performance, or those with specific physical conditions requiring a tailored approach.

It’s important to note that while these distinctions are generally true, there can be significant overlap and variation among instructors and studios, with some contemporary practitioners maintaining a strong adherence to the original principles and exercises of Joseph Pilates.

Principle Comparisons: Classical vs. Contemporary Pilates

Classical and Contemporary Pilates share a common foundation in core principles emphasizing the connection of mind, body, and spirit. However, the interpretation and application of these principles can vary depending on the approach.

1. Concentration

In both Classical and Contemporary Pilates, concentration is crucial. Every movement requires a high degree of mental focus to ensure correct execution. In Classical Pilates, practitioners are encouraged to concentrate on each movement’s precision and control, strictly adhering to the original exercise sequence. On the other hand, Contemporary Pilates places a similar emphasis on concentration but also focuses on understanding the anatomy and mechanics behind each movement.

2. Control

Control, often referred to as “body control,” is an essential principle in both forms of Pilates. Classical Pilates highlights control over every aspect of every movement, promoting efficient and safe workouts. Contemporary Pilates also values control, though it often takes a more therapeutic or individualized approach, emphasizing control to prevent injury or re-educate the body after injury.

3. Centering

In both Classical and Contemporary Pilates, exercises originate from the ‘powerhouse’ or ‘core,’ which includes the abdominal muscles, lower back, hips, and buttocks. However, Contemporary Pilates often takes a broader view of ‘centering,’ extending it to the whole body and considering the balance and alignment of all body parts.

4. Flow

Classical Pilates emphasizes the flow of movements, where each exercise flows into the next, promoting strength and stamina. Contemporary Pilates also values flow but may not adhere to a strict sequence of exercises, allowing for modifications based on individual needs.

5. Precision

Precision is paramount in Classical Pilates, where each exercise is performed accurately. In Contemporary Pilates, while precision is still important, there may be more emphasis on the overall movement pattern and functionality, often allowing for modifications to accommodate individual differences.

6. Breath

Breathing is integral to both approaches. In Classical Pilates, specific breathing patterns are used in conjunction with each movement. In Contemporary Pilates, while the importance of breath is still acknowledged, there may be more flexibility in breathing techniques, and breathwork might be linked more closely with the body’s natural rhythms.

Techniques & Styles: The Uniqueness of Each Approach

The uniqueness of Classical and Contemporary Pilates lies in their distinct techniques and styles, honed to cater to different requirements and preferences. Here, we’ll delve into the nuances that set the two apart, enriching your understanding of these popular approaches.

Classical Pilates Techniques and Styles

Classical Pilates, also known as Authentic Pilates, encompasses a set of around 500 exercises performed on the mat and various apparatuses like the Reformer, Cadillac, and Wunda Chair. Joseph Pilates designed these apparatuses to facilitate a range of movements, and they continue to be integral to the practice.

The key characteristic of Classical Pilates is the adherence to the original exercise sequence and precise form as laid out by Joseph Pilates. Every movement in Classical Pilates is purposeful and performed with a focus on precision and control. Instructors emphasize the principles of centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow, keeping a vigilant eye on form and alignment.

Contemporary Pilates Techniques and Styles

Contemporary Pilates, while rooted in the original principles, allows for more flexibility and creativity in its techniques and styles. This approach integrates the latest research in movement science, biomechanics, and physical therapy, resulting in modifications and additions to the traditional repertoire.

While Contemporary Pilates still utilizes traditional apparatuses, it often introduces other equipment like resistance bands, Bosu balls, foam rollers, and more. The exercise sequences are more adaptable, with instructors tailoring routines to individual needs, capabilities, and goals.

The style of Contemporary Pilates may vary significantly between instructors or studios, as there’s more latitude for interpretation. Some emphasize rehabilitation, others emphasize athletic performance, while others focus on overall fitness and well-being.

Benefits and Drawbacks: Analyzing Each Method

Both Classical and Contemporary Pilates offer numerous benefits, but each approach has potential drawbacks, depending on your needs, goals, and preferences. Understanding these can help you choose the right method for your unique fitness journey.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Classical Pilates

Classical Pilates focuses on performing a set sequence of exercises with precision and control, which can offer numerous benefits. First, it provides a consistent and structured workout that engages the whole body, promoting improved strength, flexibility, coordination, and posture. Since the sequence and technique have been time-tested, it offers a proven method for body conditioning and holistic well-being.

However, the strict adherence to the original sequence and form can also be a drawback for some individuals. Those who crave variety in their workout routines may find Classical Pilates repetitive. Also, it might not be as adaptable to certain populations, such as individuals with specific injuries, conditions, or fitness levels, since the traditional repertoire doesn’t easily accommodate modifications.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contemporary Pilates

Contemporary Pilates, with its flexible approach and integration of modern movement science, provides a highly adaptable and diverse workout. It allows for personalized sequences that cater to various bodies and needs, making it a great option for those with specific goals, limitations, or conditions. This adaptability also makes Contemporary Pilates a popular choice for integration into physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.

Moreover, Contemporary Pilates often introduces new equipment and exercises, providing variety and keeping the workouts engaging and challenging.

One potential drawback of Contemporary Pilates is that the quality of instruction can vary widely due to its more flexible approach. Since there’s more room for interpretation and modification, the experience and knowledge of the instructor become crucial to ensure the exercises are safe and effective. Additionally, purists argue that by straying from the original method, Contemporary Pilates loses some of the essences of Joseph Pilates’ philosophy and system.

Choosing the Right Approach for You: Personal Goals and Preferences

Choosing between Classical and Contemporary Pilates largely depends on your personal goals, preferences, and physical needs. Each approach offers unique strengths, and the decision ultimately rests on what resonates with you and aligns with your fitness journey.

1. Fitness Goals

If you aim to improve general fitness, both styles can effectively increase strength, flexibility, and body awareness. However, if you aim to master a systematic and rigorous discipline that emphasizes precision, control, and strict form, Classical Pilates might be the right fit. 

On the other hand, if your goal is more specific, such as injury rehabilitation, sports performance enhancement, or addressing a particular health issue, you might find the adaptability and modern techniques of Contemporary Pilates more beneficial.

2. Learning Style and Preferences

If you prefer structured learning with consistent routines, you might be drawn to the rigidity of Classical Pilates, where exercises are performed in a specific order with little variation. Conversely, Contemporary Pilates may be more appealing if you enjoy having diverse workouts and a greater emphasis on understanding the underlying anatomy and biomechanics of movement.

3. Physical Condition

Consider your physical condition. Do you have any injuries, chronic conditions, or physical limitations? Contemporary Pilates, with its flexibility to modify and adjust exercises, might be more suitable for those with specific physical conditions. However, a skilled Classical Pilates instructor can also guide you through a safe and effective workout, keeping your specific needs in mind.

4. Availability and Access

Finally, your choice might be influenced by the options available to you. Depending on where you live, you might find more studios offering one style over the other, or you might find an instructor whose teaching style you particularly enjoy.


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