How Long Should You Do Pilates a Day?




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Pilates is a great way to build strength and flexibility in your core. While the set of exercises could be daunting for a beginner, how long to do Pilates depends on the results you are looking to achieve.

If you’re new to Pilates or recovering from an injury, you should do Pilates for 5-15 minutes a day. For a longer, more intense workout that gives you fast results such as a toned body, weight loss, and a stronger core, 30 minutes to an hour will do.

This article will help you determine the optimum amount of time you need to dedicate to your Pilate exercises, the best way to practice Pilates, and how often.

How Many Minutes a Day Should You Do Pilates?

When starting a Pilates routine, it’s essential to know how much time you need to devote to the practice. 

The duration of your practice depends on your goals and fitness level. You mustn’t overdo it as you can get injured or discouraged. You might want to start with short sessions and gradually build up your strength and flexibility before moving on to more advanced and challenging exercises. 

The benefits of Pilates can be seen in every part of the body. When you do Pilates, you will develop more awareness of your posture, learn to control and stabilize your core, and to breathe without holding your breath.

Here is a breakdown of the benefits offered by different durations of Pilates a day.

Is 5 Minutes of Pilates a Day Enough? 

You don’t need much time to get a good core workout with Pilates.

Anyone can benefit from a 5-minute Pilates workout. As a beginner or someone recovering from a minor injury, a 5-minute Pilates workout helps ease and adjust your body into the process of working out.

In five minutes, you can get basic training that will strengthen your core and back muscles, improve spine and hip flexibility, and increase circulation throughout your body.

Here are five reasons why 5-minute Pilates per day can make a difference for your health:

  • It’s an excellent warm-up for any workout routine.
  • It strengthens your core.
  • Your posture gradually improves.
  • It increases flexibility.
  • It improves your balance.

Is 10 Minutes of Pilates a Day Enough?

10 minutes of Pilates a day may not seem like much time, but it is actually the recommended duration for a short but effective session. It’s better to do a shorter amount of exercise every day than work out harder but less often.

There are many benefits to doing Pilates for 10 minutes a day.

If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to improve your posture, strengthen your core, tone, and stretch your body, 10 minutes is enough. It incorporates a variety of exercises that target the whole body, emphasizing using the core to stabilize and protect the lower back.

These are some benefits you can experience by doing Pilates for about 10 minutes each day:

  • Reduced back pain. The exercises and stretches in Pilates realign your spine and joints, reducing back pain.
  • Improved posture. By strengthening your muscles and lengthening them through stretching, Pilates realigns your body to improve posture.
  • Better balance. Pilates improves coordination and helps you find balance through breathing and movement exercises.
  • Improved flexibility. The gentle nature of Pilates makes it accessible to all levels of fitness, including those who have never done exercise before or have mobility issues. Doing Pilates regularly will help you increase flexibility over time. 
  • Improved circulation. When you do any exercise, it helps get the blood pumping around your body, improving circulation.

I find starting my day with a quick blast of Pilates is a wonderful way to wake up my entire body, so try and add it to your morning routine to kickstart your day.  Give this 10-minute plank exercise a try.

Is 15-20 Minutes of Pilates a Day Enough?

A 15 to 20-minute Pilates session done on a daily basis offers tangible benefits. It will help you tone up and look great while improving your overall health. 

Here is what a 15-20 minute Pilates workout does: 

  • Your core strength improves.
  • You experience improved concentration.
  • Your muscle tone and strength increase, particularly in the abdominal muscles, lower back, hips, buttocks, and thighs.
  • You experience enhanced muscular control.
  • Your stability improves. 
  • You have a better posture. 
  • Any minor injuries sustained are gradually rehabilitated
  • Helps with weight loss.

If you’re new to Pilates 15 to 20 minutes can give you a good workout even at the beginner level. 

Is 30 Minutes to an Hour of Pilates a Day Enough?

Thirty minutes to 1 hour of Pilates a day is enough time to complete an excellent workout, get yourself on your way to feeling stronger and healthier, and help you achieve your goals faster. 

The most important benefit of doing 30 minutes of Pilates per day is improving your overall health by increasing flexibility and muscle strength. Pilates will also increase the health of your joints, spine, and back. 

If you want to lose weight or tone up, performing Pilates for 30 minutes to an hour each day will help you look better. It won’t lead to fat loss, specifically in your abdomen, but it will burn enough calories to help you reduce fat all over your body. 

Remember, weight loss shouldn’t be your goal, a healthy lifestyle is what you should aim for.  If you can create a balance of physical activities and a healthy diet, your body will naturally change.  You’ll gain stronger muscles, giving you a leaner look.

That said, you should only perform 30 minutes or more of Pilates per day if it doesn’t strain your joints or cause lower back pain. If you have been doing Pilates for more than a week, advancing to 30 minutes a day helps you achieve most of the benefits the exercise has to offer.

Here are the benefits of 30 minutes to an hour of Pilates a day:

  • You’ll feel good.
  • Your body will get stronger.
  • Your core will be more defined.
  • You’ll become more flexible.
  • You’ll sleep better.
  • Your energy levels will increase.

Here is a 30-minute Pilates flow exercise from my YouTube channel:

The Best Way To Do Pilates

If you are determined to do Pilates without taking classes or going to a studio, start by subscribing to my YouTube channel to gain access to over 100 free workouts: Pilates with Donna Finnie.

I would also recommend purchasing a thick mat, resistance bands and smaller hand weights.

Because Pilates is so diverse and contains many types of exercises, it can be challenging to know the best way to do it and what to focus on. 

Here’s a list of things to consider when doing Pilates:

Warm-Up First

A thorough warm-up is essential in any exercise program, but it’s vital with Pilates because of the emphasis on core strength and flexibility. Start with some light cardio, walking or jogging in place, then gradually increase your range of motion until you feel warm.

Focus on Your Breathing

It might sound simple, but how you breathe is crucial if you want to reap the full benefits of Pilates. When you’re doing an exercise, you need to make sure that your breathing matches the movement of your body so that you get enough oxygen into your lungs.

If you’re watching my YouTube videos be sure to listen to my cues, I aim to guide students when to breath in and out.

Ensure Your Back Is as Straight as Possible

Many people don’t realize how important this is when they’re doing Pilates, but it’s one of the most important things to remember. If your back isn’t straight during an exercise, not only will it affect how well you perform, but it’ll also put a strain on different parts of your body. This could lead to injury.

Listen to Your Body

It’s essential to listen to your body as you exercise. If something hurts (and it’s not supposed to), modify your workout or stop doing it immediately. Avoid trying to push through your pain as it could worsen the problem.

This is where in-person classes have a significant advantage over online classes. Working with an instructor gives you the opportunity to tell them about the issue and allows them to modify the exercise as required.  This may mean changing the level of difficulty or may mean stopping that particular move and changing it for a different series of movements entirely.

Is It Okay To Do Pilates Every Day?

I’m not only a Pilates instructor, I’m also a Pilates addict!

It’s okay to do Pilates every day and there are many benefits to doing so. It can help you build up your core strength, improve your coordination and flexibility, and help you lose weight over time. 

I took up Pilates for medical reasons but quickly fell in love with it and not a day goes by where I’m not on my mat.  I even take it with me when I go on holiday!

Pilates is a low impact form of exercise, so it won’t put as much stress on your joints as other forms of exercise such as running or high-intensity interval training. Like yoga, it emphasizes flexibility and balance. And like weightlifting and cardio, it builds strength and endurance. 

In other words, it’s an ideal workout for people who want a well-rounded routine that isn’t too demanding. However, it is essential to listen to your body if something feels wrong or uncomfortable with any exercise routine.

Read to try it everyday?  Give my FREE 8-day challenge course a try:

Best Time of the Day To Practice Pilates

Any time you can fit a workout into your schedule is the best time to exercise. This includes mornings, daytime, evenings, or even late at night. Some people consider early morning the best time to practice Pilates because the brain becomes more active and alert. However, the key is to find a routine that works with your lifestyle, one you can stick with in the long term.  For more information see: 

How To Make the Most of Your Pilates Workout Every Day

We all want to make the most of our Pilates workouts but we don’t often realize that it’s not all about exercise. To make the most of your Pilates and reap the benefits, you need to be present mentally and physically.

These seven easy tips will help you optimize your Pilates workout every day:

  • Get a good night’s sleep before your workout.
  • Take an Epsom salt bath to calm and soothe your muscles and mind.
  • Drink water all day long, but be sure to hydrate well before and after your workout.
  • Wear form-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics for comfort and ease of movement.  See: What are the best clothes for Pilates?
  • If taking a class, arrive on time, or even early — you can get a good spot and correctly set up your equipment (mats, blocks, Pilates ring) without feeling rushed.
  • If you’re doing a private or home practice, set up your space well ahead of time to ensure you feel calm and relaxed when you start exercising.
  • If you enjoy listening to music while you exercise, choose music that motivates you. Keep it upbeat but not crazy fast-paced, so it doesn’t interfere with your movements or breathing.

How Many Times a Week Should You Do Pilates?

How often you do Pilates per week depends on your goals. To maintain a high fitness level, 2-3 Pilates sessions per week are recommended. If you are looking to improve your fitness level and increase muscle tone, 3-4 Pilates sessions per week will help you achieve these goals.

4-5 Pilates sessions a week are ideal if you want to change your body shape and get a leaner physique. The benefits of Pilates are cumulative — meaning the more you do it, the more you’ll see an improvement in your body. Still, it’s essential to be consistent with your practice if you want to reap its rewards fully.

How Often Should I Do Pilates After an Injury?

After an injury, it is essential to get a medical professional’s advice before resuming Pilates. If you’re beginning Pilates after an injury, it’s essential to move slowly, listen to your body, and give yourself plenty of recovery time.

You might find it helpful to work with a certified Pilates instructor or personal trainer to help you find the right amount of challenge and recovery for your body. Start with five minutes of Pilates a day during the first week after your injury has healed enough for you to start exercising. 

This might include working on a mat or using a reformer, a unique piece of Pilates equipment that allows you to perform exercises in various positions while lying on your back or stomach. 

Add one minute per day each week until you’re doing 30 minutes daily after five weeks. If you don’t experience any discomfort in the injured area, you can continue to increase the length of time you exercise until you’ve reached your daily activity goal.


There is no “right” length of time to do Pilates. What matters is the kind of results you seek and how quickly you want them. 

With the right videos or instruction to get you started, you’ll only need your body weight, some space, and plenty of dedication.

With these, you are ready to start a fitness routine that can lead to massive improvements in flexibility, core strength and a better quality of life.

The important thing is to keep moving. If you have a hard time fitting in exercise, try attending Pilates classes that have a fixed time, it’s easy to skip solo sessions but harder to skip something you’ve committed to and paid for.


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