What is Power Pilates?




Power Pilates

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Thanks to the increasing popularity of Pilates, there have been a number of offshoots and variations as instructors look to build something new on the original foundations, and one such branch is Power Pilates.

Power Pilates is an exercise system that combines the principles of traditional Pilates with modern fitness techniques. It is a full-body workout that focuses on strengthening and toning the core muscles, improving posture, and increasing flexibility.

The format blends cardio, strength training, Pilates and stretching to maximize results. It’s one of my favourite lessons to teach as it really pushes my clients to the limits, taking them out of their comfort zone.

How to get started with Power Pilates?

First things first, you need to have built up an understanding of the basics of Pilates before moving on to tackling variations.

If you’re familiar and have a good understanding, then it’s time to crank up the challenge!

Before you try a power workout, please watch this quick tutorial video I created for potential clients so they can understand what the session involves.


OK with that out of the way it’s time to prepare your workout area. As someone familiar with Pilates, I’m sure you’ll already have a home space set up with a Pilates mat.

Regular workouts just make use of body weight, but I add in small hand weights to increase the challenge of each routine.

You’ll still use your entire body, but you’ll find the addition of the small weights works you that little bit harder and is what will help you increase your power.

To try this at home follow my 30 minute class:

Perhaps you’re looking for a change after taking part in beginner classes, if you attend live training, be sure to ask if they offer this in a different class.

This can also have the benefit of providing you with access to equipment, to save you purchasing weights if you don’t already have them.

If that’s the case I’ve another workout video I think you’ll love, it’s just 10 minutes and requires socks and a smooth surface, but boy does it set your core on fire!

What are the benefits of Power Pilates?

So we’ve established it’s a lot of hard work, what are the benefits? In general they’re the same as regular Pilates, but the added challenge allows you to reap the benefits quicker.

1. Increased Core Strength

Power Pilates is a form of exercise that targets the core muscles. It involves performing a series of controlled movements that strengthen the muscles in the abdominal area.

Regular practice can improve core strength and reduce risk of injury or pain caused by weak abdominal muscles.

Additionally, having strong core muscles helps to improve balance and posture while also reducing back pain or discomfort.

2. Improved Posture

Power Pilates improves posture by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and improving flexibility. By increasing muscle strength and flexibility, it helps to maintain good posture over time.

Those who regularly practice can expect to experience improved posture as a result of stronger muscles and increased flexibility.

3. Improved Balance and Stability

Power Pilates helps improve balance and stability by strengthening the core muscles and improving coordination.

It also helps muscle endurance, which makes for better balance and stability. It helps people learn how to move their bodies more efficiently with increased control, so they can move their bodies more efficiently.

4. Increased Stamina and Endurance

Power Pilates helps build stamina and endurance by strengthening the muscles, increasing core control and improving endurance.

This results in increased ability to maintain prolonged physical activity without becoming fatigued or exhausted.

5. Improved Coordination and Body Control

Power Pilates exercises are designed to improve coordination and body control by strengthening core muscles, increasing endurance, and improving balance and flexibility.

As a result, practitioners will become more aware of their bodies and how they move, resulting in increased control over their movements.

They will also gain greater power in their muscles which can lead to better coordination overall.

6. Reduced Back Pain

Power Pilates is beneficial in decreasing back pain by correcting underlying imbalances, such as a lack of abdominal strength, unstable pelvis, muscle discrepancies, bad posture, and unawareness of the body.

By practising regularly, individuals can improve their posture and strengthen their core muscles which can help reduce back pain and prevent future injuries.

7. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Power Pilates helps reduce stress and anxiety by increasing your balance, flexibility, core strength and control.

This increased awareness of your body helps reduce tension and allows you to relax more easily. This can lead to a reduction in anxiety levels.

8. Improved Muscular Strength and Tone

Power Pilates exercises enhance core strength and control, build muscle, and help you learn more about your body and how to move it.

This helps increase muscular strength and tone in the long term.

9. Improved Pelvic Floor Support

Power Pilates exercises address the underlying structural imbalances in the body that lead to back pain, such as lack of core support, pelvic instability, muscular imbalances, poor posture, and lack of body awareness.

By performing Power Pilates exercises regularly, you can improve your pelvic floor support by creating stability for heavy lifts and increasing flexibility and range of motion in your hamstrings, hips and low back.

Power Pilates vs Regular Mat Pilates

Power Pilates is a variation of traditional Mat Pilates that focuses on building strength through dynamic movements.

It combines precision and focus from traditional Pilates with the energy of a high intensity workout. Instead of repeating the same exercises over and over again, Power Pilates uses a flow motion to build sequences of movements that target different muscle groups.

This helps increase muscle strength while still maintaining flexibility.

The main difference between Power them is the level of intensity. Power Pilates incorporates more challenging exercises such as those done on the ground level with elastic bands, foam rollers and several sizes balls to increase muscle strengthening while still keeping flexibility in mind.

Additionally, Power Pilates focuses more on building strength rather than relaxation which is one of the primary goals in regular Mat Pilates classes.


Both require a high level of focus and concentration. Both require performing traditional Pilates moves with precision and control, but they are done in a different way.

Regular Mat Pilates is typically slower, with fewer variations in speed or intensity. In regular Mat Pilates classes, exercises are often repeated multiple times.

In Power Pilates classes, the exercises are done in groups and the groups are often repeated many times.

Additionally, power classes often use accessories such as elastic bands, foam rollers and balls to make them more attractive for participants.


As the name might suggest, Power Pilates offers a more intense experience than regular Pilates due to its dynamic energy and flow motion sequences of movements.

Additionally, power exercises often incorporate more challenging moves such as high kicks or rapid side-to-side movements that are not found in traditional sessions.


Both power and regular Pilates offer a variety of exercises that can be used to build strength and improve flexibility and range of motion.

However, regular Pilates is the better option for increasing flexibility as it focuses on techniques to stretch and lengthen your body whereas power focuses more on developing strength and power rather than increased flexibility.


Both focus on precision and focus of a traditional Pilates session. The main difference between the two is that Power Pilates offers a dynamic energy that is found in high intensity workouts while Regular Mat Pilates does not have this feature.

This means power is the better option if you’re looking to increase your indurance and stamina.


As it’s a variation of regular Pilates, you’ll likely already have the basic equipment of a mat.  To add the extra challenge that results in you gaining power, you’ll need to invest in some additional items such as weights, ring, and resistance bands.

Small hand weights


With increased popularity, it’s generally not hard to find a local Pilates class, and I highly recommend joining a beginners group to get a good understanding of the basics and feedback from a trained professional before attempting to up the challenge.

More specialist classes are less common, and you may need to contact several different places to find one that offers this style.

Alternatively, you can join an online class. I offer classes via Zoom, so you can join anywhere in the world!


What is Power Pilates?

Power Pilates is a format that blends cardio, strength training, Pilates and stretching to maximize results.

It incorporates body sculpting, strength and resistance training with weights, bands and Pilates balls. Each class starts with low impact cardio and weight training followed by traditional mat work and stretching.

What type of body workout does Power Pilates provide?

Power Pilates is a total body workout that combines strength and regular Pilates to create an intense, focused workout.

It uses a variety of exercises, such as core strengthening moves, hip flexor exercises, thigh workouts, lower back exercises, glute exercises and arm movements.

These combined and isolated movements help build control, core strength, balance and muscular endurance.

What are the benefits of doing Power Pilates?

The benefits of doing Power Pilates include:

• Core strength

• Stronger abdominals

• Defined arms, chest and back

• Longer, leaner muscles

• Firm legs and hips

• Fat burned

• Relief from stress and back pain

• Improved posture

• Gain flexibility and balance

• Look better and feel stronger

How does Power Pilates help improve flexibility and posture?

Power Pilates helps improve flexibility and posture by incorporating body sculpting, strength and resistance training with weights, bands and Pilates balls in each class.

Each class starts with low impact cardio and weight training followed by traditional mat work and stretching.

By taking Power Pilates classes regularly, you will see an improvement in your flexibility as well as better posture due to the strengthening of your core muscles.

What is the difference between Power Pilates and regular Pilates?

Power Pilates is a variation of traditional Pilates that offers an extra kick. It has everything that traditional Pilates offers but with an added dynamic energy and focus on flow motion through sequences of movements.

Regular Pilates focuses on repetition of the same exercises, while Power Pilates focuses on building sequences of movements. Traditional Pilates exercises are done mostly on ground level, whereas Power Pilates often uses attributes like elastic bands and foam rollers to make classes more attractive.

What is the difference between Power Pilates and Yoga?

Power Pilates and Yoga both offer a challenging workout. Both disciplines focus on precision and focus, with Power Pilates incorporating more dynamic energy. 

Yoga focuses more on stretching, while Power Pilates focuses more on strengthening muscles through precise movements.

Furthermore, Yoga uses props such as mats and straps to increase comfort during practice while Power Pilates uses elastic bands, foam rollers and several sizes of balls to increase intensity of exercises.

For more information, see: How is Pilates different from Yoga?

Final Thought

In conclusion, Power Pilates is a total body workout that combines strength and regular Pilates to create an intense, focused workout.

It offers many benefits such as core strength, improved posture, fat burning, relief from stress and back pain, and improved flexibility and balance.

Power Pilates differs from traditional Pilates in that it focuses on building sequences of movements rather than repetition of the same exercises.

Additionally, it uses props such as elastic bands and foam rollers to increase the intensity of exercises. With regular practice of Power Pilates, you can look better and feel stronger!

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